Flaxbeard's Steam Power, now developed by myself, Strikingwolf and Xbony2!
Official IRC channel is #TheSteamTank on Espernet!
Official Discord server: https://discord.gg/qtaRXYH
Report bugs here!

Flaxbeard's Steam Power (FSP) is a tech mod based on steam power at its core. It was originally developed by Flaxbeard, then Flax + Zenith, then myself, and now the Esteemed Innovation Team. Its goal is to add innovative content that encourages fun play rather than trying to one-up other tech mods.
FSP includes in-game documentation in the mod's book, Esteemed Innovation. This journal can be crafted after collecting the two ores necessary for progression: copper and zinc.

Current build (beta):
Beta 0.29.3
Source code is available on GitHub

Changelog can be found on the Wiki

Just look at the issue tracker
You can also look at our Waffle to actually see progress and what we plan on working on next. Our Waffle also includes the mobile version! How fancy!

You are free to use this mod in modpacks. I'd like it if you let me know so I can check it out. I'd also like it if you report bugs at the issue tracker, or let me know in some other way.
Some modpacks running FSP:
- FTB Unstable 1.7
- PhoenixCraft
- TerraFirmaPunk
- Steam'dustry
- Universal Habitat
- JesterPack
You can support the team members on Patreon: SatanicSanta, Lance5057, Drullkus
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