
New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IRON PUMPKINS v0.1 is now available for download!
Sneak Peek at the next update!

Have you ever wondered how iron golems have iron heads when they were made with pumpkins? Or why Iron and snow are the only suitable golem materials? Or even how the villagers learned to make Iron Golems in the first place!?

Introducing Pumpkins N Golemancy!

This mod adds a plethora of new pumpkins and golems, as well as adding Pumpkintech and Golemancy into the game! Want a pumpkin that gives you night vision? Done!
Want a glass Golem that can cloak itself? Done!
Want naturally spawning Golemancers of all shapes and sized? Well shucks! We did that too!
(Disclaimer, none of the above has actually been coded yet, any false beliefs you may have are completely your own fault)

The mod will come in 4 parts, Iron Pumpkins, which adds the basic pumpkins of Iron, Wood, Dirt, Stone and Ice to the game, Fancy Golems, which adds basic golems and world gen only dependent on the Iron Pumpkins mod, Pumpkintech, which adds hundreds of pumpkins including Golem Intelligence Cores, Invisibility Cores, Jet-kins and more! And finally Golemancy which utilizes Pumpkintech to add hoards of new golems to the game.

There will also be a small vanilla aspect slightly changed, Iron Golems will now need Iron Pumpkins for heads and snow golems will need Ice Pumpkins. Also a new piston will be added that can be used to make golems, unlike vanilla pistons where the final block MUST be placed by a player. This will allow for Golem Factories.

Iron Pumpkins
Dirt Pumpkins​
Wood Pumpkins​
Stone Pumpkins​
Ice Pumpkins​
Iron Reinforced Pumpkins​
Iron Pumpkins​
Name format: IronPumpkinsvX.X-YYY-ZZZ
X is Mod version
Y is minecraft version
Z is latest tested forge version.
Known Bugs:
Mod Pumpkins will always face south
Mod Pumpkins Cannot be worn on head
Ice Pumpkin does not have the "Slipping" effect
Features Planned Thus Far:
Village Golemancers - Simple life Golemancers who live amongst the villagers and help to protect the village with Iron Golems, Village Golemancers are also capable of summoning wood, stone and dirt golems however they will only do so when the village is under dire attack due to the drain sustaining so many golems would cause to the village golemancer.
Dark Golemancers - These evil golemancers believe that those who do not understand the ways of golemancy should revere and worship it, and those who do should be exterminated. Dark Golemancers live in large forboding castles guarded by many types of golems. They don't like visitors
Scholar Golemancers - These solitary golemancers live in large towers protected by a golem of their creation, they dedicate their lives to the study and research of golemancy, and are the most likely golemancers to create new types of golems, sometimes to their own end.
Hermit Golemancers - These simple golemancers live alone, not wanting knowledge nor company. They simply live out their days in small huts with a single golem friend.
Pumpkinicians - These genius scientists devote their lives to the research and invention of Pumpkintech. They sometimes work with golemancers to create new, technologically advanced golems.
Tailors - While Tailors may not be golemancers, they still know small amounts of golemancy, such as the ability to create inanimate golems that can re-size themselves to fit any clothing or measurement. Tailors can teach you how to make armour golems.
Blacksmiths - While not actually a new addition to minecraft, blacksmiths now have the ability to make near-indestructible inanimate golems for testing weapons. Blacksmiths may teach you how to make Training Golems.
Golemancy Guild Members - Golemancy Guilds are large forts inhabited with many different types of golemancers and golems. Within them you will find Scholar Golemancers, the Golemancy Guild Head, and Guild members. Members have little use other than protecting the guild in case of attack, they can summon small stone, wood or dirt golems to defend the guild, and also have skills with bows.
Golemancy Guild Heads - Another NPC found in Golemancy Guilds is the Golemancy Guild Head, this NPC is in charge of the entire Guild, from what aspect of Golemancy they research, to who is accepted into the guild. The Golemancy Guild Head is a very powerful Golemancer, and can summon Golems such as the huge, strong Tree Golem or the rare, ranged Gold Golem.
Iron Pumpkin:
Requires Iron Reinforced Pumpkin
Iron Reinforced Pumpkin:
Requires Stone Pumpkin
Wood Pumpkin:
Requires Dirt Pumpkin
Stone Pumpkin:
Requires Dirt Pumpkin
Dirt Pumpkin:
Ice Pumpkin:
All Information here is subject to change