I've been playing the DW20 modpacks for quite some time, with the most recent being 1.12 (until now). I found that the 1.16 DW20 was missing a LOT that I have always used heavily in the past, but I gave it a short whirl. I didn't play very long before I said nope. I Then decided to give the Endeavour modpack a whirl as it seemed to have more of the mods that were in the 'old' DW20, and then a few, although it was still short mods. But I decided to give it a whirl. I've been playing it for a bit, but I've reached a point where I'm like 'really'? So yesterday, I was working towards getting slimeballs so I could make sticky pistons. Never found a slime despite using some slime chunk locators and a bunch of excavating, but that led to trying to make pink slimeballs. Supposed to be able to build a mob grinder machine (forget the exact name right now) that has two tanks and makes some kind of 'meat paste' and the pink slime, collect the pink slime and use that with the dissolution chamber and a pane of glass to make the pink slimeball - awesome. Build it all, had over 1000Mb of pink slime, tried to extract it with a bucket.... NOPE. doesn't work. Tried a tank... NOPE. Hooked a tank up to it with some pipes I've never used before.... Drained the meat sludge and the pink slime, and only the sludge is in the tank
. Ok, figured maybe I did something wrong, found the side output settings and disabled the sludge for all sides and set the pink slime as output for all sides. Sit and wait for it to get over 1000Mb again, of course still can't pull from the grinders UI with a bucket, but connect the pipe and tank to it again expecting the pink slime, since the meat sludge was DISABLED on all sides, but NOPE. Pushed out the sludge despite ALL sides being disabled for it 

. I was done, so I switched my game to creative from the console to grab a few slimeballs since they're unobtanium and I disconnected for the night.
Move to today, I continue on - got my sticky pistons built, next thing I need is glowstone dust. I had one I found in a chest but needed more. SO I go to the nether. Well, I don't know what this is they're calling the nether in Endeavour 1.16, but it's not the nether - entirely too bright and too much junk - about all it has really suggesting 'Nether' is lava and pig zombies, and there's WAY too much lava... but anyway, do my best wandering around looking for Glowstone - not a block. Normally, Glowstone is everywhere to some degree in the nether. Might only be one block and whether you can get to it or not is a different matter. But it's there. You can see it. Not so in Endeavour. Nowhere to be found. I look into how else to get glowstone dust, and I find 'pervaded netherrack', and about all I can find about that is a release note on it, with a note saying 'Adjust pervaded netherrack mining level from 4 to 2.'. I assume that means it used to spawn up to layer 4 but that was changed to only up to layer 2. Made my way down to bedrock and did a bunch of parallel mining and nothing but netherrack. I even went so far as to switch to creative AGAIN and fly around the nether trying to find glowstone and it's just not there (For the record, I never changed my gamemode in my DW20 1.12 world even once). So unobtanium number 2.
Right now, although I'd like to start in a 1.16 world if I'm going to start a new one, from what I've seen playing the ones I've played so far, the 1.16 modpacks suck (IMO). So to the core of my question, are there any 1.16 modpacks out there that contain the same mods as the 1.12 DW20 (more is generally acceptable, just not missing any), or should I give up on 1.16 and if I'm going to start over with a new world, just do it in 1.12?
Move to today, I continue on - got my sticky pistons built, next thing I need is glowstone dust. I had one I found in a chest but needed more. SO I go to the nether. Well, I don't know what this is they're calling the nether in Endeavour 1.16, but it's not the nether - entirely too bright and too much junk - about all it has really suggesting 'Nether' is lava and pig zombies, and there's WAY too much lava... but anyway, do my best wandering around looking for Glowstone - not a block. Normally, Glowstone is everywhere to some degree in the nether. Might only be one block and whether you can get to it or not is a different matter. But it's there. You can see it. Not so in Endeavour. Nowhere to be found. I look into how else to get glowstone dust, and I find 'pervaded netherrack', and about all I can find about that is a release note on it, with a note saying 'Adjust pervaded netherrack mining level from 4 to 2.'. I assume that means it used to spawn up to layer 4 but that was changed to only up to layer 2. Made my way down to bedrock and did a bunch of parallel mining and nothing but netherrack. I even went so far as to switch to creative AGAIN and fly around the nether trying to find glowstone and it's just not there (For the record, I never changed my gamemode in my DW20 1.12 world even once). So unobtanium number 2.
Right now, although I'd like to start in a 1.16 world if I'm going to start a new one, from what I've seen playing the ones I've played so far, the 1.16 modpacks suck (IMO). So to the core of my question, are there any 1.16 modpacks out there that contain the same mods as the 1.12 DW20 (more is generally acceptable, just not missing any), or should I give up on 1.16 and if I'm going to start over with a new world, just do it in 1.12?