1.0.2: Openblocks Auto Enchantment table


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
Refuses to auto drink or be filled automatically from any tank or 'duct'. You have to stand there with the bucket tab open and click on and off the side it's supposed to be receiving xp from, and that only causes it's store of such to go up in increments.

Mod & Version:

Paste.feed-the-beast.com log:

Can it be repeated:

Known Fix:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The open blocks side interface is a bit buggy. It can take a few tries to get it to actually accept fluids from the side chosen. I have the same issue, but I've been able to get it to work by messing with it until I can see a drop in the levels of the storage tank.

Also note, the fluid levels in the Auto Enchantment table do not like to visably update. Sometimes the tank inside can be full, even though it shows as empty. Some sort of gui bug is really messing with this mod in the pack atm. Not sure if the bug is on the OpenBlocks side, or due to a bad interaction with one of the other mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sadly I've been messing with it for a few hours now, and it doesn't seem to be working still. It's not enchanting the books I have given it without visibly updating, and the only way to make it show any xp is the way I mentioned before, clicking the side almost constantly in the gui.
I will note, however, that if you wait a second of two between clicks, it will actually fill faster. As if it is, in fact, refusing to show it's progress, but it's affecting the rate of acquiring as well. XD

Edit; I finally got it to work. By turning the relevant side to "off" and leaving it. It still won't show it's progress though. XD
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I did find some info on the OpenBlocks Github page. There are 2 possible solutions to this problem. Both of which have a chance of fixing it. The Issue has been isolated to turning ON V-sync, and/or Setting the game FPS to 60. Doing either or both should fix the issues with openblocks interface gui not showing fluids or allowing you to set sides. OpenBlocks does not use any OpenGL rendering leaving that as the third thing potentially causing issues for the OpenBlocks gui.