Can someone move this to other server promotion -> whitelist servers? Thanks!
︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿ beastCaste ╤─── Factions, Mining age [̲̲̅̅T̲̲̅̅S̲̲̅̅3̲̲̅̅] Ultimate V1.0.2 ۞
Hey! Welcome to our Feed the beast server!
Feed the Beast is a modpack for Minecraft. It adds a huge
number of items, recipes and world-generation to the game.
The modpack centers on several famous mods such as IndustrialCraft, RedPower and BuildCraft but the full list is extensive.
Everything from the Ultimate pack is allowed, and can be made, except Ultimate and Hybrid solar panels. This is because i consider them cheating free power.
We have also disabled Mystcraft, except for a mining age for everyone to completely wreck
Difficulty: Normal
Creeper damage: On
Gregtech mode: Hard
This server has just the basic rules.
- No griefing
- No 'real' pvp. You can kill others for fun.
- No stealing
- Be polite in the chat
Our server has the following plugins enabled:
- Factions
- LogBLock
- Essentials
- Some under the hood plugins
Protection is not yet 100% optimised, but most of the grief
can be rolled back, and every other loss can be retrieved by asking the current online admin.
(Admins: kwek20, destruktoid)
Download the Feed the beast launcher here:
You NEED to install the 'Ultimate' modpack before you can play.
This pack can be found in private packs, just type 'Ultimate' and hit search!
Want to be whitelisted?
We are currently getting too many applications, thus we needed to make a wait list
1: empty
2: empty
3: empty
To applicate, just ask us in the comments below, or on our own forums with the following information (Leaving fields empty will most likely result in gettind denied):
Ingame name:
Why do you want to join?:
Are you allowed to pvp?:
your age:
Have you ever been banned?
Do you understaind that duping is a 'no no' and you will be banned if you it?
Extra information:
IP: castegaming.net:38000
For more info about us, the forums , or our servers, visit