Search results

  1. F

    noitem for FTB 1.5.2?

    Can anyone update this plugin to 1.5+ to work with mcpc+ 1.5+ legacy? Or point me to a similar plugin? It works now but spams console with errors about inventory click event, something to do with furnaces and cooking when i dont even need. Only using...
  2. F

    Required mods config?

    Is there a place to edit the required mods for clients to connect to a server? Some reason the server is requiring mods that are not even installed server side as well as requiring a mod such as biomsoplenty which is disabled by default (for whatever reason i dont know) client side but i have it...
  3. F

    VoxelMap errors 1.1.2

    Getting tones of errors in client console with voxelmap and secretrooms mod on ultimate 1.1.2 2013-05-28 00:00:32 [INFO] [STDERR] Exception in thread "Thread-861" java.lang.ClassCastException: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable cannot be cast to...
  4. F

    Server download Ultimate pack

    Noticed there is a 1.1.1 and a 1.1.2 in client ultimate pack. Was curious which version the ultimate is on the server download page? Be nice to see the version numbers and maybe older version listed on the download page for servers.