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  1. S

    Support Trolling?

    Look, I like the idea of the support site. I just recently used it myself. Unfortunately, there are others who think everything on the internet is one massive opportunity to be an asshole. Some people are seriously just going through and downvoting every. single. post. Look, the downvote is an...
  2. S

    Mod Additions

    Hey fellow admins! I just wanted to start a thread to see what mods you think are great additions to your FTB server. FTB is great, but sometimes we all need a little more, or we add the ones they won't add (due to unbalancing or permissions issues). I personally use Treecapitator for mine, and...
  3. S

    New Mod Help

    Hello all. I am trying to add billythegoat101's mod Runic Dust to my FTB server. I have seen someone else running it on a FTB server, so I know it's possible, but I am getting an error every time I start up the server. Any help figuring this out would be appreciated.---- Minecraft Crash Report...
  4. S

    Portal Gun Mod Config

    Hey guys! I'm running a server with only 2 or 3 people. I want to change the config of the Portal Gun mod to make the turrets only attack mobs. I changed the turretmode to 3 and restarted my server, and the turrets are still attacking us. Any idea why?
  5. S

    Server Mods

    I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. I want to add a mod, specifically Treecapitator or something similar, to my FTB server. Any hints as to how this is done?