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  1. J

    Best way to move a base?

    I've been playing my Direwolf Pack world since the pack first came out, and I've played it a lot. I have accumulated a lot of items, naturally, but I left myself with not enough room for barrels and so a lot of my items are stuffed into crystal chests. I only have two 9x9 rooms above ground and...
  2. J

    Railcraft and Mystcraft Portals

    So on the Direwolf pack I'm building one of those Nether lava to Overworld geothermal generator things the typical way: With Railcraft and Mystcraft portals. I've read some of the other topics on here, but nobody else has the problem. When the cart lands in the other dimension it doesn't go...
  3. J

    Monazit Ore and Forcicium

    I was playing FTB, and I came across a new ore in my world. It's a black and green ore, called monazit, and when smelted, it creates forcicium. After a Google check, however, I cannot find anything regarding it. I have no clue what it is or from what mod pack it comes from, so any info would...