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  1. N

    Thaumcraft Addons.

    I am thinking about putting together a modpack focused a lot on Thaumcraft. I want to make a cohesive feeling to the pack, and not just have it be a bunch of thaumcraft mods thrown in together. I am interested in getting rid of some of the overlap between the various mods using modtweaker to...
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    Thaumcraft - Mega energized nodes

    I've been growing a bright node using the 7x7x7 box method with the bright node in the exact center over the past 4 days (on a server), and the node is now a bit over 100 vis for most of the aspects. I should get an 11 or so energized node out of this when it finally consumes all the feeding...
  3. N

    Void Robes or Thaumium Fortress Armor?

    With straight Thaumcraft and Thaumcraft Add-ons*, which do you consider the best? Void Robes, Thaumium Fortress Armor, Void Armor, or something else? and why? The Void Robes give a huge vis discount for crafting and staff/wand use. Fortress Armor grants a large amount of protection, but no vis...
  4. N

    Tainted Lands...

    I'm playing with Thaumcraft and Forbidden Magic, and noticed that there is a tainted wand core that will recharge itself automatically while in the tainted lands. Has anyone ever though about setting up shop in the tainted lands? I know it would be dangerous as hell, but could be rather...
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    Mod Pack Ideas - low-end system

    I was showing my nephew Thaumcraft just the other day, and he was blown away by it. He hasn't played much modded minecraft since 1.5. I tried giving him the pack I was playing, but it was too much for his laptop to handle. I will probably set up a server for us to take on a lot of the back...
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    Thaumcraft update released!

    The new Thaumcraft update was released late yesterday. Woot! :D
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    Thaumcraft Automation

    Has anyone come up with some good automation strategies using thaumcraft and thaumcraft addons? I'm running a custom mod pack (Thaumcraft, automagy, thaumic tinkerer, botania, forbidden magic, thaumic explorer), and having some difficulties thinking of ways to automate "farms" without having...
  8. N

    Thaumcraft 4.2 Node Bullying Questions

    I've read that the node bullying is where the larger node will consume any smaller node within 5 blocks (4 air spaces in between). I've also read the amount of vis added cannot exceed the highest vis amount of the larger node. Are both these correct? From the way I understand this, a node...
  9. N

    Thaumcraft 4.2 companion mods

    So Thaumcraft 4.2 has just released, and I've been interested in trying it out in a regular world and take a break from AgS. Thaumic Tinkerer is of course a must as well as NEI and inventory tweaks. Are there any other mods you would add to round out the Thaumcraft experience? It doesn't...
  10. N

    Tinker's Steelworks - Steam Power Guide - 2.6k RF/tick

    Tinker's Steelworks Steam Power Guide This mini-guide is written and should be correct as of TSteelworks Improvements and updates to the mod will likely invalidate this guide as steam power is currently a work in progress and not quite ready for prime time. All that aside, steam...
  11. N

    TC4 Wand Recharge Station - Hungry Node

    What is the range of a wand recharge station? I have found a hungry node, and thought about trying to tame it for all my recharging needs. I would like to place the node close enough to recharge a wand, but far enough away not to get sucked in to it.
  12. N

    Weird glitch?

    I loaded my world today, and had to pause it for a few hours. When I came back, I noticed a weird colored chunk in my minimap (in a lake) and my game was lagging. When I went over to investigate, I found hundreds and hundreds of squid... I went a good ways away from my base, and closed the...
  13. N

    unknown aspect?

    I have gotten a good way through the research on thaumcraft 4.1, and have a mana bean farm up and running. I have 50 aspects currently known, and i came across an unknown aspect amongst the mana beans. The mana bean color is periwinkle (light purplish blue) if that helps anyone id it. I am...
  14. N

    TC4 Golem Statistics

    Does anyone know or can link to the golem statistics? Specifically I am looking at the harvest golems since they seem to have the smallest range. The harvest golem will harvest within a 4 block radius. By default, this matches the size of your typical 9x9 farm. Adding a water upgrade...
  15. N

    GT - companion mods?

    I haven't played with GT since 1.5.2. I know a lot of things have changed with IC2 and GT in general over the last several months. Are there mods that people have found work or don't work well with the GT overhaul? I'm looking to put together a new modpack for myself (or maybe just tweaking...
  16. N

    Magic World 2 - Sorting

    I've been playing Magic World 2 for a few weeks now. I'm at the point where I need to really start setting up a sorting system for some items. There just aren't as many options for sorting systems as in the more technical packs. I am really trying to find a way to sort magic beans into barrels...
  17. N

    Thaumcraft 4 - Mana Bean Farm

    I was trying to come up with a way to maximize my mana bean farm. I was trying different levels and then I remembered the old solar well trick used with factorization mirrors. Since harvest golems by default will look in a 4 block radius, this same design with mirrors will work with a harvest...
  18. N

    TC4 - Mana bean farm

    I've set up a mana bean farm using a harvest golem with an order upgrade and a gatherer golem to pick up the extra bean that sometimes drops. The issue is the harvest golem isn't always replanting. I will come back to the farm 10 minutes later, and find half the logs don't have beans growing...
  19. N

    Eerie Biome - Thaumcraft 4

    I have inhabited an island with sacred springs on one end, and forest on the other. about 25 blocks away from the forest end of the island, is a totem. It is slowly corrupting the biome around it into an eerie biome. (it's about a 8 block radius right now) I haven't been able to find out what...
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    Powdery Combs - Austere Bees

    How can you get the powdery combs from Austere Bees? I know that the specialties are only made when the bee is in it's natural environment. Austere bees' natural environment is hot and arid. I was under the impression that you can use heaters, fans and hydro-regulators to make a alverary into...