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  1. D


    "You must cleanse the world of this corruption taint." Sound familiar, anyone? How DO you clean the taint, anyway?
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    PermGen config still needed?

    Hey all, I haven't been playing FTB, or even Minecraft for that matter, for quite a while and what I wanted to ask was this: Is adding more PermGen in the launcher still needed? Or has it been fixed. Either way, I've forgotten it, and if someone would post what the permgen increase option is...
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    Mac [MODDED] Crash with worldgen; Null pointer exception

    Hi, this isn't directly in the FTB modpack, but in general modded Minecraft. Note that I am running 1.5.1 and some of the mods may be a bit buggy, but I am getting a long running bug, sadly. When I try to generate a world with Railcraft concrete blocks as the top layer [Block ID 457:1] I get a...