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  1. R

    Help with making/configuring a chest, and a Light Source

    Chest Section: I'll preface this section with this tidbit. I have already implemented a chest, but its contents will not save after you save and quit. Thus, it isn't exactly useful as it stands now, my guess is I forgot a portion vital to saving contents when copying the vanilla chest code...
  2. R

    How to Modify Repair Durability with Anvil Repair & AOE Mining to items?

    Repair Question. So I'm using this method to repair my items @Override public boolean getIsRepairable(ItemStack par1ItemStack, ItemStack par2ItemStack) { return par2ItemStack.isItemEqual(new ItemStack(ModItems.gemPutty)) || super.getIsRepairable(par1ItemStack, par2ItemStack)...
  3. R

    GTFO: Gems are Truly Fabulous and Outrageous

    Hello everybody and welcome to, Welcome to my first Minecraft mod: GTFO. This is an open source mod, if you wish to contribute, or view the code please take a gander at the github: Link to the Curseforge...
  4. R

    Looking for some help with Ore Dictionary

    I wish to register my ores/gems in the ore dictionary, but am having no luck doing so.. I am able to use things for testing purposes that are already in the ore dictionary (vanilla items). As an example in my recipes section I had my Malachite Pickaxe being made with "blockGold" and "stickWood"...