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    Steve's Carts and MCPC+

    Essentially this thread again, except the solution provided isn't working... I'm running PEX which adds another dimension to this due to the modifyworld plugin inside it, however I have a...
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    Mystcraft Ages and Linkbooks

    Has anyone found a way to make all linkbooks to an age "invalid" or "broken"? I.e., I would like to create some 'disposable' ages, but I can't allow people to make linkbooks to them, because if I do, then even though I might delete the descriptive book to that age and all the age's data, if...
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    Open Server Mystechcraft | 1.5.2 | Custom Pack | Terrain to Y 256 | Galacticraft

    We are currently remodeling. Our excuses. Мы сейчас ремоделирование. Наши отговорки. Wij zijn nu verbouwen. Onze excuses. 8GB Ram | 100Mbps connection | 24/7/365 IP: This is a modded anarchy based factions server running MCPC+ using a...