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    My 1.7.10 Magic Area Using imgur as a hoster because I can upload all images at once. What do you guys think? Did you ever get into TTKami?
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    2fps @ 50% CPU usage

    Title 2fps @ 50% CPU usage Launcher Type MultiMC Modpack Nuts and Bolts: Torqued Modpack version Have you modified the pack? No Link to log file Details of the issue I can only get between 1 and 4 fps while playing this pack. According...
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    Fusion Reactor (+ base pics in the future)

    So, I built a fusion reactor (from ReactorCraft). I had wanted to share it for a long time, but I never got around to it - Until now. The Reactor Complex Mark 1: The fission Reactor
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    Feeding charcoal into generators using Buildcraft

    So, I am playing FTB Ultimate. It's really great fun to play this age-old pack. Not missing the many newer mods. Without easy-peasy item transport mods like TE or EnderIO though I have to deal with the inconveniences of Buildcraft's Pipe System. So here's my problem: I want to build a treefarm...
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    What's wrong with my tokamak?

    My fusion reactor from ReactorCraft just won't behave :(
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    ReactorCraft Toroids

    Why is this not working? It has got plasma, coolant, charge and a spinning solenoid.
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    ReactorCraft Van de Graaff Generators

    So, how much power should a Van de Graaff Generator used to power a toroid magnet receive? And how many of the magnets need a VDG? Every second, third or fourth? Also, how much power should a VDG used to power a magnetic containment pipe receive?
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    ReactorCraft Hydrogen Preheater

    How much power does a heat ray need to power the Hydrogen Preheater to 150.000.000 °C ? And does the Speed/Torque ratio matter?
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    RotaryCraft Question

    How do you automate HSLA Steel? I can auto-input iron into the blast furnace, but no sand, coal coke or gunpowder.
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    Base Tour + Fusion Reactor Build Journal

    Hello, in this thread I will show my Base and also document my progress in making a ReactorCraft Fusion Reactor. I will post pictures of my base between the reactor updates if I there was no progress. I'll see if I can actually complete building the reactor, but I have already started.
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    2 ReactorCraft Designs

    Hey, I'd like to have some feedback on these 2 ReactorCraft Designs. I found them here on the forums, but I want to know how they perform on newer ReactorCraft versions. I hope the pictures are understandable.
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    Pseudo-Inversion Sigil not working correctly

    Hi Today I crafted the Pseudo-Inversion Sigil from ExtraUtilities. But when I try to craft an unstable ingot the unstable ingot will still explode even though that shouldn't happen if you craft it with the Pseudo-Inversion Sigil. I then tried to disable the unstable ingot's explosion in the...