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    Feed The Llama - Great entertainment if you can stand us

    we're a private whitelisted server with very strict unwritten guidelines for acceptance on... basically don't even ask because we aren't likely to add you on, yet we have plans for the future but for now just enjoy our silliness currently running mindcrack plus some stuff...
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    trying to find what is killing my frame rates

    in most people's houses on my server i get 60+ fps. in my house i get ~20 and i have no idea what is doing it, it was worse when when i was lighting my house with nitor i have since replaced them with wrath lamps but i want my house to not be such a lag trap especially since a lot of players on...
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    So I'm a CS major and I'm about to finish my basics at a CC

    I've decided i need to get myself to learn java before i go to a major school for my bachelors so i'm going to do so by writing a UE compatable mod my working name for it is Carboncraft this may wind up being to much too fast but i would like people's input to things that are too complex or not...
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    hi I'm your mother's llama

    I'm originally from the industrial rage server hosted by killerbeesgaming. I was an ice casuc designer before that functionality was removed and not only designed one without the use of snowmen but also played a small part in that functionality being a part forge :D