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  1. T

    More Draconium?

    In the End Dimension, there are two new areas in addition to the main island. The Chaos Dragon spawns at 10k intervals, which is what you ran into. That dragon is designed as the very end-game boss. However, there are also comets that spawn at random points throughout the End, which contain...
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    [Guide] What are the most useful TiC Tools for the FTB Infinity Evolved

    The best pickaxe you can make: Enderium Head Paper Binding Thaumium Rod Magical Wood is another option, but Thaumium and Paper are much easier to obtain early game. Modifiers to use: - Luck (450 Lapis) OR Silk Touch (Silky Jewel, requires 9 Emeralds), both are a good option - Flux Capacitor...
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    Open 2.3.3: Project Red World Generation / Config file [version 2.4.1]

    Version: 2.3.3 What is the bug: After updating to 2.4.1, I started a new world. I found some Copper Ore from Project Red, so I took a look at the config file, and there appears to be some extra lines at the bottom that should not be there. Mod & Version: Project Red 4.7.0pre12.95...
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    Discussion on AE2 Stuff

    For a long time I felt that AE2 was a step backwards from AE1, that Algorithm complicated a bunch of stuff just for the sake of complication. Now, that might be true, but after playing with it, I really like AE2. ...With one exception. The in-world crafting is stupid. I use AE2 Stuff...
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    I Want learn Feed The Beast Infinity but dont know how ?!

    Learning all of the various mods takes a lot of practice. For example, Direwolf20 has been playing modded minecraft every single day, for years. That's a long time to learn the ins and outs of the mods he uses. Focus on one or two mods at a time until you feel comfortable or bored with them...
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    Optifine help

    I use Optifine with Tinker's just fine. I use the standard version though.
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    I'm new to Thaumcraft, fastest way to get Thaumium ingots?

    If you want the lazy way, just look for villages. You can find Thaumium Ingots in both the Blacksmith shop chests and the Thaumcraft towers, if my memory is correct. Each Ingot gives you 2 Tool Rods, so unless you're mass producing Tinker's Tools for whatever reason, even just a couple of...
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    How to generate massive power at early/mid game?

    Another option not mentioned yet is Advanced Generators by Bdew: They are free-form, multi-block generators that are highly customizable. Not on topic, but I would also highly recommend his Pressure Pipes mod, I'm surprised its not very popular, because its amazing.
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    Thermal Expansion: Gelid Cryotheum as a coolant

    I'm setting up some Compression Dynamo's to utilize my Oil and Fuel. I'm looking for some insight into why it would be worth using Gelid Cryotheum over water as a coolant. Considering how easy it is to set up an infinite water source, why would I go through the trouble to make Gelid Cryotheum...
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    Infinity: 20k Essence berries in AE, automate liquefy?

    If you place a Sewer under the Autonomous Activator, it will also slowly collect Mob Essence in addition to the Liquid XP from the Vacuum Hopper. Not sure why, but it works. I'd recommend keeping it in XP Liquid form. If you need Mob Essence later, you can use a OpenBlocks Tank with a Shower...
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    At what point do YOU start Applied Energistics?

    In 1.6.4? As soon as possible. Sometimes I really miss the old Applied Energistics.
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    Longbows are inaccurate?

    I did some testing with various arrowheads and longbows a couple of weeks ago. I did two sets of tests with both Short and Longbows, one at 30 blocks, the other at 60. I also did some long-range shooting just to test distance. Without getting into much detail because laziness: Longbows...
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    EnderIO: Alloy Smelter cfg file not working

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I actually figured out a better method for achieving what I wanted. Appreciate our help, regardless.
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    EnderIO: Alloy Smelter cfg file not working

    Yesterday while doing some testing, I added a new recipe to the AlloySmelterRecipes_User.cfg file, which worked like a charm. Today, I deleted that world and started a new one. The recipe I added no longer works. In the interim I made a few changes: I added the Endertech mod, updated the...
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    What would YOU change about BuildCraft?

    I haven't used BC much in a while, but here's a few thoughts: I think there's at least two ways to look at it. 1) What should Buildcraft do as a standalone mod, by itself? 2) Should Buildcraft fill a unique roll in a modpack with other tech mods like Thermal Expansion, EnderIO or...
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    EnderIO Sagmill config recipes not working

    Hello, I edited the SAGMillRecipes_User file, and everything is working except the "Common Ores/Ingots" Recipe Group. I basically just wanted to remove Cobblestone from the possible outcomes. Here's my code: I overwrote several other recipe groups, and they all...
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    Minetweaker Script Help

    Try this: val Hammer = <IC2:itemToolForgeHammer:*>; recipes.addShapeless(<bluepower:zinc_ore_crushed> , [Hammer.transformDamage(4), <ore:eek:reZinc>]);
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    Best source for power in this pack?

    Ender-thermic Pump (EU) in the Nether, powered by a Magmatic Dynamo (TE). Connect Liquid Conduit (EIO) to it for power. Use a Reinforced/Resonant Portable Tank (TE) to carry lava from your Pump in the Nether, it only takes a few seconds. Hook it up to several Magmatic Dynamos at your base...
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    Growing Biomes O' Plenty big trees

    I've tried that. I've tried 1x3x1 (X shape), 2x2, 3x3, 5x5, etc. I've tried the large Fir trees and the large Autumn Trees that grow in the Fungi Forest Biome. Nothing has worked so far.
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    Growing Biomes O' Plenty big trees

    Bump? Anyone?