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Age(or answer "are you 17+?"): Yes, 19.
What is your knowledge about mods/ftb: I've been playing modded minecraft for several years, pre-tekkit. I like to focus more on magical mods, with technology underlines for automation and the such, and I leave aesthetics to those who enjoy such...
IGN: Inumel
Age: 19
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I've been playing minecraft since alpha and have been on countless vanilla and modded servers
Type of Minecraft player you are: I like to focus on the technical side of things, and leave aesthetics to those who know what...
I for one think this is a good thing. Making the modpacks have different mods(yet be modular, so you can combine them) means a LOT more options going forward
In-game name: Inumel
Age: 18
Time spent playing modded Minecraft: I have been playing since the early tekkit days :)
Reason I want to join: I hate playing alone, I love interacting with other players as I play. Not that surprising, but that's the best reason I have :)
I know I'm not the one who originally posted this, but exact same error with log
You also get the error by looking it up with WAILA
Why do you want to join?: Looking for a good multiplayer server
Experience with modded minecraft:Early tekkit days
What do you want to share with the community?:a twisted sense of humor and a friendly player
Age (16+):17
Experience with FTB and/or mods: High experience and knowledge with a good deal of the mods
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: A tie between ComputerCraft and Forestry probably
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: I started playing modded minecraft...
IGN: Elgriton
Experience with mods: I know a lot about almost all of the mods!
Banned y/n: no
Why ^:nope
What else would you like to say: cant wait for diretime every day, dw20 ftw
Username: Elgriton
Age: 17
Location: Illinois, USA
Why you want to join: I am looking for a new server that is stable, and a small but awesome community
Suggestions: none!
Plugin Suggestions (optional ) none again :)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I...
In Game Name: Elgriton
Age: 17
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: tons! I know a lot about most mods, except gregtech..damn gregtech
Goals On Server: Go somewhere and do my own thing, but I am more than willing to share anything and everything I have( Within reason, of course)
I am quite interested in Computer Craft, But I don't know much if any LUA, so I am making a post here, post your interesting CC codes! I would love to look at them and figure out how to actually write my own eventually :)
I'm glad my simple question got a bunch of people thinking, while I am not the one to make super builds like that I always enjoy fantasizing about them, and seeing pictures! so you know.. If you make them ;P