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  1. I

    New/Unheard of mods you like

    Rotarycraft has Railguns and Lasers that can track and autotarget. Played around with them in creative. Reika loves terrain destruction.
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    These words, I don't think they mean what you think they mean.
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    The lag is why I am not playing this right now =(
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Version 1.0.1 Issue: Crash from opis_start command Crash Log: As I recall when I updated my Monster server to 1.0.10 I was getting the same type of opis_start crash.
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Default world has the caves I want, as well as stuff like this. Explosive gas plus lava has resulted in enormous caves at bedrock level all over the place. Also progression is misspelled in the launcher splash description.
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    One thing I have noticed, not sure it is desired or not, but Cave Control seems to be adding pockets of lava high up in mountains that often ends up exposed to air. It ends up where most mountainous biomes end up with lavafalls everywhere. Haven't really tested it, just an idle observation.
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Been trying to tweak this to get caves back, and the lag spikes seem to be related to Glenn's Gases. Makes sense considering when you first load a chunk there are quite a few new liquids added that either flow down or up into the sky at different speeds. I just want my caves back =(
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    First impressions, I love the recipe changes and it is definitely more challenging. However the world gen is seriously off for me. I keep getting really small biomes, crazy height noise and I cannot find a cave for the life of me, other than the gas pockets or craters from exploding gases...
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Someone decided to update his signature before loading the pack. It is not yet afternoon.
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    An Eldritch Abomination from Below the World

    What happens if the portal closes with the power still on?
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    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Mods are made by programmers. We aren't the most humble or sane of professions.
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    An Eldritch Abomination from Below the World

    This has gone way far from Eldritch Abominations, but I think the issue boils down to the purpose of ReactorCraft. RotaryCraft makes perfect sense to me, in use and creation of power. It all fits together nicely. On to ReactorCraft, the amount of power created is so great that using it just...
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    An Eldritch Abomination from Below the World

    Heck just something like the dirt creepers from special mobs but does it with stone and only out of sight. Would really mess with cavers. Just fun brainstorming.
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    ATG world gen settings

    That was due to config issue with that release.
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    After getting pimped out Blood Magic armor and the crystals from Geostrata in Monster, I feel like going back to my roots and trying something challenging. I think this will qualify =D
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    MFR tree farm

    I think it has something to do with the mod (Random Things I think) that causes leaf blocks to decay very quickly when they aren't connected to a wood block. I was having an issue in Monster where I was testing a 3x3 tree farm and would come back to saplings all over the ground.
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    Beginner's Guide to Blood Magic

    I believe that is because the speed boost is a potion effect and that is how Minecraft handles that. I know in the Monster pack there is a config called Numina made by powercrystals of MPS fame that has a config to turn off FOV changes due to speed boosts.
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    Metallurgy oreDict issues

    After trying to get the ID conflicts and the ore generation working I have a much better appreciation of all the work you do... And to add some more fun on your plate, I enabled BoP and Highlands for default world generation and I have yet to see any ocean biomes other than a few blocks...
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    Metallurgy oreDict issues

    I just disabled damascus steel and it looks like things are working as it should. Haven't done more than a quick look over NEI though. Edit: Also having issues finding osmium ore after adding Mekanism. Saw a post by Jadedcat that there is apparently a download of universal configs so I will...
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    Metallurgy oreDict issues

    I am working through that right now, and I notice in game for Horizon (which is working properly) that the item ID is not the same as the one in the config file. I changed the sulfur ID in my Monster kluge and now sulfur ore is dropping platinum armor. Also damascus ingots in helm shape make a...