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  1. F

    RedPower2 pre6 crash?

    i am getting an error which only seems to fix itself if i delete the RP2 config each time i start up i have done as some people have suggested as it was initialy a RP2 and factorisation problem but it now seems to be a purely RP2 problem as my game runs with no...
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    Red Power 2 News

    Eloraam's site is currently being DDoS'd according to her twitter just for everyone concerened
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    Thermal Expansion Ore Gen

    im testing the ic2 gen currently and it isnt bad as far as its ability to increase the ore spawn BUT i agree that TE's vein control is awesome
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    Thermal Expansion Ore Gen

    soo i noticed when doing a full 1.4.5 mod update that TE has a custom ore gen tweak and i would like to know if anyone has played with it and what sort of balance they have been able to achieve with it as far as having enough copper/tin for all the other mods that use those resources
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    You have a choice to make. If you had to pick just one mod...

    wow a real mind bender this one, i think im hard struck to choose between railcraft, buildcraft, forestry and thaumcraft....... so i tend to agree with some in BTW or terrafirmacraft, both are fully fleshed out with all their ideas fully implemented and mesh well with minecraft as a whole...
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    TripleNation |FTB 1.0.1 pack A|White list|

    IGN: failureone 16+ Age?: 26 Agree to the rules?: yes A bit of info about you: long time tech player. still not good at remembering alot of recipes but NEI helps there, good at complex redstone, vanilla and rp2. am an aussie if that helps describe me =D
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    Kepler-22b - Pack A

    Minecraft Username: failueone Any known bans? none Understand and Accept the Rules? yes How did you find out about the server? FTB forums
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    Food For Tools|1.4.2|White List|New Server

    IGN: failureone Age: 26 Why you want to join: Looking for a server to make my home away from home. Not confident on many recipes but am good at complex designs and a quick learner =D Anything else: I am an Aussie???? dunno if that does anything for me or not =P
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    ShiftedPlay FTB [FTB Pack A, 1.4.2] [White List] [Survival]

    IGN: failureone 16+ age?: 26 so yeah a bit past that Agree with rules?: If i say no do i still get in???? lol yes i do agree. Rules are for winners