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    [1.10.2]New Beginnings - Magic - Light - Skyblock

    Is it possible for a changelist for what mods were dropped? So far, i love this modpack. Favorite 1.9+ modpack yet.
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    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    I just found this...and I love you. This is the mod pack I was waiting for...<3
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    [1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

    Ran into a dupe bug with the new change for wheat and pestle and mortar. The pestle and mortar dupes and drops a new one every time a wheat flour was made using the Super Crafting Frame. EDIT: Nevermind, this occurs in all cases. Shift clicking a stack will produce a ton of pestle and mortar.
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    [16x] Isabella II: FTB Edition

    Oh...thank you! You didn't have to do that...
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    [16x] Isabella II: FTB Edition

    I would like to note that the Spring water from Biomes'oPlenty is missing a texture...Is there a way for me to put in a placeholder texture? I was just going to change the shade of water that is in place for Minecraft and replace the Spring water with it. (( I am kinda new to texture editing...
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    [16x] Isabella II: FTB Edition

    You are the best. XD
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    [16x] Isabella II: FTB Edition

    I don't want to be a bother, but the metal ingots for Tinkers Constructs are off by one pixel when you cast them. Not a huge issue, just thought I would point it out.....unless it was meant to be like that XD
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    [16x] Isabella II: FTB Edition

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    The autonomous activator

    I had the same issue and Direwolf20 actually had the same issue and fixed it in one of his videos. The issue is that it is collecting the berries, and then using them by right clicking them, and not collecting them at all. That is a link to his video covering this (Hopefully it starts at 9:30...
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    Powering foresty machines in DW 1.5

    That seems to work, but I am wondering if there is anyway I can use gates and such so that it can be automated in the future.
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    Powering foresty machines in DW 1.5

    I cant seem to find an efficient way to power my forestry blocks without having some power loss in the process. I have a power plant of biogas engines connected to a line of redstone conduits that lead to a block of redstone power cells. From there, I use tesseracts to connect to the power...
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    [SOLVED]Issues with AE sorting System(FTB Ultimate)

    Exactly. I wanted to, but my friend would rather have chests :/
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    [SOLVED]Issues with AE sorting System(FTB Ultimate)

    Were all of your chests formatted or not active? During my testing, only 3 formatted chests were active, no regular chests And yes it did show the right number.
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    [SOLVED]Issues with AE sorting System(FTB Ultimate)

    I only had one to originally test the system out to see if it would work EDIT: To clarify, I had that one ore in the export bus, and only the export bus. During the testing, it has only formatted chests so there was no place(i am guessing for a second) to "store" the ore block, but then...
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    [SOLVED]Issues with AE sorting System(FTB Ultimate)

    EDIT: I think I found out the issue. Since I am using a chest storage system, I only had preformatted drives into the chests active (4 of them). The system wouldn't process the ores unless there was some empty inventory in a chest (non preformatted). I didn't think it would need any space...
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    [SOLVED]Issues with AE sorting System(FTB Ultimate)

    Sorry about that. Here they are:
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    [SOLVED]Issues with AE sorting System(FTB Ultimate)

    This is what it looks like, and the setting are as everyone said they should be at, yet it still wont work. It will sort the way i have it set up, but it will not process any ore. The power for the whole thing is from a energy tesseract, which is supplying power to the ME Controller and the TE...
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    [SOLVED]Issues with AE sorting System(FTB Ultimate)

    Yes, the output for the furnace is non-colored and the pulveriser is a blue input.
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    [SOLVED]Issues with AE sorting System(FTB Ultimate)

    The odd thing is that if I manually put ore to be pulverized, it goes into the furnace and then gets sorted. The main issue seems to be the export bus' not wanting to accept the ores that I tell it to pull. I am not currently at my house to get the picture, but I will try and get some when I...