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  1. U

    Automatic quarry placement and deployment [CC Turtles]

    That's a nice concept. Recently had to lay out 16 max-sized BC Quarries for an experiment and wasn't looking forward to that part. However, I found using the F9 chunk boundary view as a guide -- hit it twice, for the green grid -- made this task quick and easy. Simply place your first marker...
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    Replacement for Buildcraft Builder?

    Reminds me of a line from Inception: You remember, it's the chance to build cathedrals, entire cities, things that never existed. Things that couldn't exist in the real world.
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    1.6.4 Liquid Fuel Boiler fuel changes.

    For some reason, your above post doesnt display your second paragraph with refinery calculations. Without going OT, there's been a lot of discussion about the future direction for buildcraft MJ. Can you direct me to a post that outlines that vision?
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    How would I slow game progression down?

    TL;DR Do whatever gives you pleasure or a sense of achievement :) zorn, I had the same feeling while playing through Mindcrack several times, so I self-imposed some constraints when starting up with Unleashed+GT. Basically, no tesseracts (loved them, but decided to used Railcraft to...
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    Enchanting Plus Successor - Suggestion Thread

    I'd also like to see you add a mechanic which increases the chance of a certain type of enchant, but doesn't make it a sure bet. Like the focus (focii?) of the MFR laser ... you can heavily weight the outcome, but you still need some luck. You could also include a research/progression system...
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    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    The BetterBits mod has just what you're after: a button/sign combo. Also permits you to offset the redstone signal one block in any direction (awesome feature in itself). The gui is still a bit buggy but the mod is only in alpha testing and has a dozen cool little gadgets like this. Its not...
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Which bees are you after (in case they require certain conditions) ?
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    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    LOL> Im not suggesting anything about altering diamond spawn. All Im observing is "OMG, look at the difference between early diamond generation and later versions" That's all :) I merely set out to examine what was actually in the ground, and discovered this variation between versions. That's...
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    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    TESR ... Transportation Environmental Study Report?
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    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    Here's the side-by-side comparison for a variety of blocks, grouped by Unleashed version (v.1 versus 1.1.3) As you can see, the vast majority of metrics are closely correlated, so we have established a reasonable baseline for comparison Summary of changes: Iron - double Redstone - up a half...
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    Thanks - I did. Was hoping to get an optimized java param list, but will continue to play...

    Thanks - I did. Was hoping to get an optimized java param list, but will continue to play around and see what I come up with. Thank you for the link and gratz on putting together such a well thought out and balanced pack. Heard nothing but good things about it. cheers
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    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    Which is why I am perplexed by the results. Perhaps worldgen was bugged in the first release or the code has changed to retry vein generation when it fails in a given chunk - or something else again. Whatever the config settings, what is actually generated has changed significantly for some...
  13. U

    Hi KD, can you direct me to a RR or ATL support page, as I am having memory difficulties running...

    Hi KD, can you direct me to a RR or ATL support page, as I am having memory difficulties running RR/ATL. I know its a big pack, but I have had no issues with FTB. Any direction appreciated - thanks
  14. U

    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    Just as an aside, my brother plays minecraft in peaceful -- and the Peaceful Table (Extra Utilities?) provides him sufficient mob drops to progress. Works fine in the nether too, so you can come away with blaze and ghast tears
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    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    Given that TE3 is just around the corner, does this mean that FTB 1.6.4 is ready-set ... or should we allow a few weeks more for the FTB modpack to be assembled and tested?
  16. U

    1.6 Alternative to RC Boilers for 100MJ+ power ?

    I read a comment today where KL confirmed you can go RF >> MJ, just not the other way. Also, he indicated RF was already supported by MFR and others. Edit to add reference:
  17. U

    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    It is almost triple (2.8x), it is a significant enough sample that any error is trivial when talking in factors and, regardless of "configuration settings", it speaks to what is actually in the ground. So, collecting data on one thousand and twenty diamonds, from an area of 4 million blocks...
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    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    TL;DR Between Unleashed 1.1.1 and 1.3, Diamonds have tripled! Results of the survey of four sites: each running 4x max-sized quarries to bedrock (total of 64 chunks, 128m x 128m, biome boundaries permitting) Background This is my original Unleashed v1.1...
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    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    Ran my first 4 x max sized quarries in an Unleashed 1.1/Vanilla Desert results for each quarry: There's the expected random variation between quarries, however there appears to be an inverse relationship between the amount of lava (obsidian) and diamond yield...
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    Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

    Just for the heck of it, running some tests now - and will provide quantative results in a few days. My base is in three distinct bands: an area in 500-1000 block radius of spawn which was initially created without BoP an area beyond this boundary, generated with BoP biomes enabled distant...