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  1. S

    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Waila Harvestability updated to v1.0.3 @The_Greenphlem, see the edit in my post above. Thanks for reminding me.
  2. S

    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Which bug is that? EDIT: Oh, for some reason I thought I had already released a version with that fix. Will do that shortly.
  3. S

    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    TiC Tooltips updated to v1.1.8 The Spice of Life updated to v1.0.5 (EDIT: actually, updated to v1.0.5a, fixing some 1.7.2 server issues)
  4. S

    Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

    @Jadedcat, just want to make sure you were aware of this: [Mariculture] Hugely negative saturation from eating bait
  5. S

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Anyone that has experienced the "health not being restored even though it should be" bug (or anyone that wants to try to help find the cause of it), if you could install this debug version of The Spice of Life it'd be a huge help. It's no different from the regular version, except that it will...
  6. S

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    There's nothing special about that stage. This is the only server-side code that references the FOOD_EATEN_THRESHOLD config option (at least when CLEAR_HISTORY_ON_FOOD_EATEN_THRESHOLD is false, which it is in BnB). @zuiko, was hunger still getting restored? Was it only health that wasn't working?
  7. S

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    If it happens again and persists like that, let me know and I'll give you a test version that'll hopefully help debug it.
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Nope, haven't done anything else with BnBTweaks. Do you have a way to view the bytecode of the code you're patching? I believe I use this Eclipse plugin. A good method is to copy the source file that you want to patch into your project and make the changes you intend to make. Then, view the...
  9. S

    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Updated The Spice of Life to v1.0.4 (and ported to 1.7.2) @CyanideX, have at it.
  10. S

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Still unable to reproduce the bug. I've died multiple times and after each time I'm still able to gain health from eating juice. Has it happened to you more than once? Is it consistent? You need to give me as much detail as you possibly can, otherwise there's nothing that I can do. If anyone...
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    I can't seem to reproduce this. Can you detail the exact steps you went through to cause this? Where did you die? Where did you respawn? What food did you try to eat after you died?
  12. S

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    I'll look into this. It could also be caused by something The Spice of Life does when integrating with Hunger Overhaul.
  13. S

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    I wrote the mod, but it was written specifically for BnB and will only ever include things requested by Eyamaz, so I thought it'd make more sense for him to be the 'owner' of it.
  14. S

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Right now all it does is fix ExtraTiC smelting recipes not respecting the Tinkers Construct "ores per ingot" config option. Github repo EDIT: Yeah, it injects this code into ExtraTiC's _addMeltingOreRecipe function: if (par1.startsWith("ore")) par3 =...
  15. S

    Best TiCon Tools?

    Yes, but the "Stonebound II" trait, in reality, doesn't mean anything except that it has at least one ardite part. You do need to make the entire tool out of ardite to get the full effect of the "Stonebound II" trait, so it's not really an example of what you were talking about. Your point only...
  16. S

    Best TiCon Tools?

    Again, that's not how Stonebound works. It does not behave like Reinforced. A single ardite part in a tool made of 4 parts will give the resulting tool a stonebound modifier of 0.5 (out of a possible 2.0 which would only come from a full ardite tool), as the final modifier is an average of the...
  17. S

    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Updated my mods with the various commits that have accumulated over time. TiC Tooltips (version 1.1.7 for Minecraft 1.6.4/1.7.2) Waila Harvestability (version 1.0.2 for Minecraft 1.6.4/1.7.2) Waila HarvestCraft Fixes (version 1.0.4 for Minecraft 1.6.4)
  18. S

    Best TiCon Tools?

    Note that Stonebound is not a binary modifier; it is an average. Quoting something I posted on reddit:
  19. S

    Mod Improvement Suggestion: MFR Fruit Picker Compatibility with Pam's Harvestcraft

    MFR Fruit Picker does work on Pam's HarvestCraft fruits. From the MFR changelog: AgSkies uses MFR v2.7.9
  20. S

    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Aaaand... one more The Spice of Life hotfix version (v1.0.3c)