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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Whitelist Server Private Server - [Agrarian Skies] - Cooperative - Apply Now!

    Before i fill this out, i would like to say hi to you, Noah. :) Application: Minecraft Username: LieutenantSnow Age: 17 Time Zone: EST Availability: Pretty much everyday until i start work which is TBA even to me :c Brief personal description: I am 17, my name is Isaak, i have a teamspeak, i've...
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    Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

    I am getting fairly upset. Like, to the point where i might just break down and cry. i cannot play this modpack no matter how i try. i always get this crash log. SOMEONE HELP ME. I AM LOSING MY MIND.
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    Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

    am i the only one who cannot even get Agrarian Skies to load at all? It starts load then crashes... tells me it cant load forge? but forge is clearly downloaded...
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    Whitelist Server Steamcraft | Direwolf 1.0.18|Whitelist | 10 slots | 5gigs | No plugin|Tight community| Close Homes

    IGN: LieutenantSnow Age: 17 What will you bring to our community?: A friendly, helpful, creative builder Why do you want to join our server?: I need a new server.. the one i WAS on, isn't working out Ever banned? If so why: Not that i am aware of :p Country/Timezone: Michigan, USA GMT Do you...
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    Whitelist Server Assembly Required |Direwolf20 v1.0.18 |Mindcrack Style | Whitelist | 24/7 | PVE | Mature

    Application Form: Name: Isaak! :) IGN: LieutenantSnow Age: 17 Location: MI, USA Do you have a skype?: Yes. LieutenantSnow How many hours a day do you play/Activity: about 7... Experience with Minecraft/FTB: I've played DW20 when it wasn't an official pack and you had to manually download...
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    Whitelist Server Immunity Craft server Direwolf20 modpack | Whitelist | coming Saturday | Community | Mindcrack like

    IGN: LieutenantSnow Skype name: lieutenantsnows Why would you like to join: need a stable and mature server to play on. Would you record a YouTube series (optional): Possibly...? How often would you be playing: at least 1hr every day, every week Would this be consistent: Yes Age: 17 Are you...
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    Mac Random Crashing while Loading DW20 1.6.4 v1.0.14 pack?

    its been patched. i can run any modpack no prob... no lag... iunno how i do it :3
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    1.6.4 DW20 1.0.14 JSON exception?

    just got it as well, hope someone figures out what to do soon
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    Mac Random Crashing while Loading DW20 1.6.4 v1.0.14 pack?

    Just as title says...
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    Whitelist Server Mineguild Network

    - IGN: LieutenantSnow - Age: 16 - Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes and have been staff on a few. North-Craft was my most resent - Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: Sense... before FTB was even a concept.
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    Whitelist Server Malignance - DW20 1.0.14 [Hard difficulty] [whitelisted] [Mature]

    IGN : LieutenantSnow Age : 16, until the 13th About Yourself: I am a youtuber (losely) i love FTB and cooperate fairly well with others Minecraft Expertise: Mostly TC4, TiCo, IC2, ThermExp, EE, AE, Building, MFR, Forestry, and others. Have you been banned before?: Nope :3 If so why?: N/A
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    Mac Cannot Load Up Launcher....?!

    Alright. So my issue is when i click the FTB launcher to open, it opens, the console loads everything, but then, it gets this error and stops completely. Can someone please help? :O
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    Mac Crash after a while?

    So... Im playing on the DW20 1.6.4 pack version 1.0.12, and after i play for a little while, i always seem to crash. No matter what im doing, where im at, i just crash. no error log at all. whats going on?!
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    1.6.4 Modpack releases

    A bit sad to see unleashed go... But, change sometimes is good! Great job, FTB Team!!! :)
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    Whitelist Server [DEAD] Direwolf20_1_5 v1.1.3 [Bukkit | Essentials | Mumble | 32GB RAM]

    * Your IGN: LieutenantSnow * Some words on who you are or why you want to join: I am a great builder and understand all the mods in DW20 pack fairly well * How much you are going to play? As often as i can * Do you have experience with the mods? Tons * Your age (optional but your application is...