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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    SOLVED Modified DW20 Pack crashes after Mojang Screen

    Thank you very much! I updated all IC2 mods to the latest exprimental version and it worked!
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    SOLVED Modified DW20 Pack crashes after Mojang Screen

    Hello, I have added some mods to the DW20 1.6.4 pack and when I launch it crashes directly after the Mojang screen. It's the latest version (1.0.3) and the mods i have added is Advanced Machines, Advanced Solarpanels, Gravisuite, Gregtech and Binnie's mods (extrabees and extratrees). I also...
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    Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

    In Game Name: Striker312 Age: 14 years. Banned Before: I have never been banned on any server before. Experience with modded MC: I played Tekkit before FTB came out, I am experienced with Industrialcraft, Gregtech, Thermal Expansion, Forestry and Buildcraft. Goals On Server: First I'll gather...
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    Whitelist Server Dramaniac Industries [50 Slots][MindCrack][Medium][Gregtech full difficulty]

    Drache, can you enable Misc Peripherals? Because I need that mod for my bees. So please enable it again. :)
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    Whitelist Server Dramaniac Industries [50 Slots][MindCrack][Medium][Gregtech full difficulty]

    - IGN: Striker312 - Age: 14 - Experience of the mods used: Almost every mod in MindCrack modpack. - Have you ever been banned?: Nope. - - Why?: N/A - Additional information of yourself (optional): I played tekkit before FTB came out.
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    Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

    IGN: Striker312 Age: 14 Whitelist link: Why do you want to join the server: I have searched for a good MindCrack modpack server for me and my friend to play on, and this server seems to be good! Will you be active: Yes...
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    Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

    IGN: Striker312 Age: 14 years Whitelist link: Why do you want to join the server: I'm looking for a good server with a good community. Will you be active: 1-3 hours per day.
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    GDD|Craft [Direwolf] [Whitelist] [No Lag] [24/7] [12+]

    Username: Striker312 Age: 13 Years playing Minecraft? 2 years. Have you been banned? Never. Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Nope. Other information: Nothing really.