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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. K

    Wood/Charcoal Uses

    Malleus Maleficarum?
  2. K

    Automated rubber farm

    It didn't work for me yesterday.
  3. K

    Assistance with an Automated Boiler.

    I would also like to see this. I have 2k + stacks of logs and I've been wanting to set up a boiler to replace my nether lava pump.
  4. K

    Shearing Turtles cause server crash.

    Yea, I made the program to shear the sheep and a startup program that ran it every 60 seconds.
  5. K

    Shearing Turtles cause server crash.

    I copied Direwolf20's sheep shearing setup and crashed my server. I'm no programming wiz but the code seemed pretty straight forward. I was just wondering if there is anything I can do differently or if I should just shear them manually. Here's a copy of the crash report I got from the Admin...
  6. K

    Max MJ's Per Tick for a Quarry?

    I've only ever used the filler for its intended purpose, and I think it's awesome.
  7. K

    Baconcraft|Direwolf20 Pack|Whitelist|10 slot|Hard Difficulty|25+

    IGN: Kemintiri Age: 39 Play Hours: Evenings after 5:30 or so MST and weekends as much as I can When not collecting resources usually building or working on learning the different mods. I'm really looking for a server that has a good community with shared builds and people getting together to go...
  8. K


    I'm looking for a nice little community server. IGN Kemintiri
  9. K

    DarkUSA's Server |1.4.6| MindCrack GregTech Edited |16+ Whitelist

    In-Game Name: Kemintiri Age: 39 Minecraft and Mod Experience: Started Minecraft in Beta. Been playing FTB for a few weeks now, mostly messing around with BC, TE and Forestry.
  10. K

    Automation Inc. | Feed The Beast | Whitelist | PVE | Mature 18+

    IGN: Kemintiri Age: 39 Experience: Minecraft since beta, some FTB Reasons to join: Got bored with singe player and The first FTB server I joined lags me like crazy. Also I like that you have Gregtech recipe changes turned off :P