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  1. G

    Solved Cannot Craft "Essence of Scornful Oblivion"

    Summary of the problem Cannot Craft "Essence of Scornful Oblivion" Pack Version 1.4.0 What is the bug? Basically, the "Essence of Scornful Oblivion" cannot be crafted. JEI will auto-fill the recipe into a Crafting Table no problem if you have the items to make it, but there'll be no...
  2. G

    Open 1.2.0: 1.2.1: Gold Chipset Crafting Cost Jumps 16-Fold Mid-Game

    Version: 1.2.1 (Was unable to select 1.2.1 from the bug report form, that's why thread title is messed up) What is the bug: For some odd reason, my cost to craft BC Gold Chipsets sometimes jumps from one redstone and one gold ingot in an Assembly Table, to one redstone and SIXTEEN gold ingots...
  3. G

    1.0.1: Chunks Unloading Right in Front of Me... Due to Entities!

    I've found a solution to this problem: Update to the latest 1.8 branch of Java. After doing this, while I still occasionally get delays in chunk loading and unloading, it recovers after a moment or several, whereas before using the 1.7 Java branch it simply wouldn't recover at all. Prior to...
  4. G

    1.0.1: Can't Smelt Quartz in a Redstone Furnace

    Version: 1.0.1 What is the bug: Simple bug. If you're trying to make Extra Utilities Burnt Quartz, you can't do it in a Thermal Expansion Redstone Furnace with regular Blocks of Quartz , even though NEI shows a recipe for it. The Quartz will simply refuse to go in. Smelting the old fashioned...
  5. G

    1.0.1: Chunks Unloading Right in Front of Me... Due to Entities!

    Version: 1.0.1 What is the bug: Earlier I reported that the more you travel around the world, the worse the framerate gets as does lag spikes when trying to put items into or pull items out of a crafting grid. However, just now I was travelling around the world and came across chunks which...
  6. G

    1.0.1: Doing Lots of Exploration Causes Crafting Grid Lag

    Version: 1.0.1 What is the bug: If you explore the world for a large amount of time, generating chunks and crossing huge distances of over 1000 m, then try to craft something, every time you place an item into a crafting grid or take it out, the game freezes for a little over a second, same...
  7. G

    1.0.0: Entering the Nether for First Time Murdered the Framerate (Solved by Relaunching)

    Version: 1.0.0 What is the bug: To put it simply, the very first time I entered the nether in my new SSP world, I waited a minute and a half on the Downloading Terrain screen before I finally got into the Nether... sort of. I was floating in limbo with no world around me, falling on the Y axis...
  8. G

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.25 Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion Whats the bug? Fluid duplication bug that's very simple yet very easy to miss: ANY object, of any type, auto-ejecting fluid into a TE Fluiduct, will cause duplication of that fluid. Looping the source of the fluid back into...
  9. G

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    I recently posted about this on the previous page of this thread. The bees only disappear if they're moving through the BC pipes when you load the world. This problem currently affects absolutely anything travelling through BC pipes when loading a world, not just bees. The problem seems to be...
  10. G

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    In testing with a brand new creative-mode world, I was able to reproduce the issue I ran into with nothing more than chests, stone transport pipes, autarchic gates, and stacks of smooth stone to send through the pipes. Nothing more. What you're describing Jim may or may not be something else...
  11. G

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18 Mod & Version: Buildcraft 4.2.2 Pastebin link to crash log: Not a crash, but very serious Whats the bug? Items travelling through BC pipes are disappearing when a single-player world is loaded! D: OK, obviously you need a little more to go on than that. My first...