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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. 6

    Abandoned House 2 [Hardcore Questing Mode, Coming Soon!]

    so, i really want to check this map out, can you say how close you are to finishing it?
  2. 6

    Whitelist Server DeathCraft|V 1.1.3|Whitelist|FTB Unleashed Server

    the server is up now, i just got on
  3. 6

    Whitelist Server DeathCraft|V 1.1.3|Whitelist|FTB Unleashed Server

    Age:16 Minecraft Username:666maskot666 Why do you want to play?:because whitelist servers are better than open ones, and the rules seem ok. Have you ever been an admin on a server?: nope What server?: Have you ever been Bann from a server, and why?: i were ones but it was a mistake from the...
  4. 6

    Whitelist Server Helmut The Server|FTB Unleashed 1.1.7|Whitelist|30 Slots|12+

    Real name:Alexander Age:16 Gender:Male IGN:666maskot666 Country:Norway Why do you want to join the server:Firstly of all it seems like a good server, which i am in need of right now. secondly i have asked 2 otherservers but they have'nt replied yep.
  5. 6

    Casual Server Starting an FTB Unleashed Server

    could i join aswell, im in need of a server. Pm me the ip if im allowed to join.
  6. 6

    Whitelist Server DarkLabs Server Unleashed 1.1.7 [Whitelisted] No Banned Items [All Mods] -Small Community- [New Map]

    Minecraft name:666maskot666 Skype name:cpt.snipe1 Age:16 Location:Norway why would you like to join?: personally i love Ftb, i recently got my computer fixed so now i can actually play. I wanted to join a server whith nice people, and that is basically it. why should you accept me?: I guess i am...
  7. 6

    Whitelist Server NeoShinto|Monster+Morph|Whitelist|

    In Game Name:666maskot666 Age:16 Reason you want to join: i want to play in a good comunity with a low ammount of lag. and also gregtech is important to me but early in the game its a pain. last but not least your rules are perfectly agreeable. Any previous bans? I dont think so, atleast not...
  8. 6

    Whitelist Server Toxxic,24/7/active admins,Survival,20 slots,Whitelist

    IGN: 666maskot666 Name: Alexander Age: 16 Are you new or a veteran player to ftb: kind of in between. not a noob but not a pro either. What mods do you like/are you good at: forestry, binnie's mods, IC2, Gregtech. Where do you live? Norway Have you every been banned? if yes why?: i have never...
  9. 6

    Whitelist Server KabooseCraft [FTB Ultimate 1.0.1] [Hard Mode] [Whitelisted]

    IGN: 666maskot666 Age: 15 Reason for Joining: Trying to find a server with friendly players, where i also can have a good conection with people and maybe team up with someone and have fun! How many hours do you play pr.week: 20-40 hours i think(dont really check) Your Favorite part of minecraft...
  10. 6

    Greylist Server Aurora 24/7[MindCrack][GreyList][LWC][Essentials][Pex][WorldGuard][50 slots]

    Username:666maskot666 age 15(soon 16) why i want to join: I want find a server with nice people that i can get to know. Suggestion: Mystcraft is a nice mod but when many people are on different dimension it can cause lag, it could be a good addition. How much experience do you have in Mindcrack...
  11. 6

    Whitelist Server Paulix FTB! [Mindcrack v7] [Teamspeak3] [Whitelist] [EU]

    Age:15 IGN: 666maskot666 Why you would like to join us? Because i have been looking for a sever with a nice comunity, also l love feed the beast pack and want to play with people that just won't destroy my house after 5 minutes. You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in...