FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Name: Tyler
IGN: minecraft_tyler
Age: 11 (mature for my age)
Location: UK
How many hours do you play a day/week: Around 20 hours if off school if not then 5 hours
Experience with FTB: I played ftb Mindcrack for around 3/4 years now and know alot of the recipes.
Do you follow any Mindcrack...
My in-game name: minecraft_tyler
How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since 2009
How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: 2 years
My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: Because i can have a variety of chocies and i dont have 1 thing to work on all of...
1) Minecraft username? minecraft_tyler
2) Why do you want to play on our server? Looking for a friendly server.
3) What can you contribute to our server? I am a good builder not the best but I do know some good combinations.
4) How old are you? 11 (Mature for my age)
5) Do you accept the rules...