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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. minecrafterseppe

    breakfastcraft the shitty minecraft community

    hello my name is seppe (discord seppe#0683) i come here to warn any modded player who wants to play on a network called "breakfastcraft" ( the server quality: 9/10 little bit downtime once a day max the community in the start: 9/10 they seem reasonable adults...
  2. minecrafterseppe

    ic2 induction furnace quest bugged

    i insert the ic2 induction furnace into the iron chest but it is not accepting it thus i canot get a reward im on the blue team (singleplayer)
  3. minecrafterseppe

    February News

    if u say a date u make sure its already ready u dont release a date before the product is ready for release the same is for movies the same is for packs if ur releasing dates without having a finished product then dont release dates
  4. minecrafterseppe

    Open Server Continuum | FTB Unleashed 1.1.3 | mcMMO | Grief Prevention | Herochat

    now we know where they got the name from xd
  5. minecrafterseppe

    Open Server Continuum | FTB Unleashed 1.1.3 | mcMMO | Grief Prevention | Herochat

    what modpack lol ? ftb continuum has not been released right ?
  6. minecrafterseppe

    ftb skyfactory 3 nether quartz chicken

    what biome are u in when u go trough the nether portal? for normal players its "the void" for vannila its "hell" what biome are u in?
  7. minecrafterseppe

    Unsupported ftb skyfactory 3 MAJOR redstone DUPE

    yep lituarly q it drops the redstone and it stay in your inv "u can do it with stack at an time"
  8. minecrafterseppe

    ftb skyfactory 3 nether quartz chicken

    first off all the sf3 modpack uses "the void" as "hell" i know minecraft i know the nether =hell biome but " the void" biome replaces "hell" and in the configs those chickens only spawn in 'hell" biome so you're argument is invalid
  9. minecrafterseppe

    Unsupported ftb skyfactory 3 MAJOR redstone DUPE

    u lituraly just pres the drp^key and it dupes it
  10. minecrafterseppe

    Closed No mobs spawning

    are u on an server if yes the server i played on disabled hostile mob spawning due to lag they do have an /warp shop and /kit mobs where u can get the drops
  11. minecrafterseppe

    Unsupported ftb skyfactory 3 MAJOR redstone DUPE

    Title ftb skyfactory 3 MAJOR redstone DUPE Launcher Type Curse App Modpack ftb skyfactory 3 Modpack version 1.10.2 Have you modified the pack? No Link to log file Details of the issue if u hold an piece of redstone and trow your button to drop an item u just PRES it the...
  12. minecrafterseppe

    ftb skyfactory 3 nether quartz chicken

    Title ftb skyfactory 3 nether quartz chicken Launcher Type Curse App Modpack ftb skyfactory 3 Modpack version 1.10.2 Have you modified the pack? No Link to log file Details of the issue the nether quartz chicken does NOT spawn in the biome ftb sky factory 3 uses ass hell (the void) yes i...
  13. minecrafterseppe

    Closed Nether Quartz Chicken recipe missing

    acualt this is an bug the biome u get when u go trough an portal = "the void" and in the config for nether quartz chicken it says "biomes can be snow hell none normal" S:spawnType=HELL its on hell an quick fix changing this in all config files to "the void" and adding it in the biome...