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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. J

    FTB Invitational Charity Event This Weekend.

    woo, my name is on that shirt (please don't lower your bid because of this ;))
  2. J

    More news about FTB's Future. (Important announcement)

    i will say right now that i will never put an ad that you must wait for like that, any launcher ads will be like the creeperhost logo, small and out of the way, but yet still there
  3. J

    New Launcher/Website

    i know it's frustrating when we dont post any info, but the main reasons for that is that things havent been agreed on or fully figured out, and we dont want to release contradicting info every week, as that would just confuse everyone :) This launcher has been rebuilt 4 or 5 times since the...
  4. J

    New Launcher/Website

    News from insomnia regarding the new Launcher and Website Click here to view article Thanks to all who visited our panel earlier!
  5. J

    New Texturepack!

    we dont have permission to distribute Optifine, so the best we could do is a link to the forum. i guess i could always make the word 'Optifine' in the description take you to the Minecraft Forum page. i'll do that now actually EDIT: This should be done now. underline = link
  6. J

    New Texturepack!

    its only installable on the newest versions of the packs currently
  7. J

    New Texturepack!

    I am proud to announce that a new Texture Pack is now available on the launcher. This Texture pack is the John Smith Technicians remix, and it is currently available for Ultimate, Mindcrack and Direwolf20. Go download it and try it out!
  8. J

    Launcher v2 Update!

    most likely yeah.
  9. J

    Mod Pack Update

    0.5 of the beta packs are now RB
  10. J

    Launcher v2 Update!

    Here is a screenshot and video from the new launcher. This launcher is in development and is expected to be released with the 1.6 minecraft update.
  11. J

    go to and submit a ticket :)

    go to and submit a ticket :)
  12. J

    FTB Launcher Concept

    i really like this design, well done, i may take aspects from this into account when we FINALLY come up with the design
  13. J

    New Launcher design | We need you!

    also there's the fact that optifine causes issues for as many people as it helps
  14. J

    New Launcher design | We need you!

    really nice job, theres a few things we'd do differently (more buttons, some for unannounced features) i really like the buttons to change the layout, allows for a lot of future expansion
  15. J

    New Launcher design | We need you!

    for the record, we did the private packs first. but thats another matter. liking all the ideas people have come up with so far, some of the new feature requests are things we have never though about before either :)
  16. J

    News update 12-02-13

    like i say, we have a way around the cluttered feel, and it depends on that one, i'll have a play around with the extent i want to go with the customisation ;) another option i was thinking about is having the launcher current GUI as an option to switch to on the new launcher, cos i realise...
  17. J

    News update 12-02-13

    there are a few things.. people dont like the fact that the launcher is tabbed, so everything isnt on the screen at once, so that will be fixed while not overtaking the screen with too much information. there are quite a few other things that could have been done better (implementation wise)...
  18. J

    Add more mods in Direwolf mod pack

    mods will be added to the DW20 pack when he asks us to add them. also, this is the wrong section, i'll move it
  19. J

    FTB is 1 Year Old

    we receive no money whatsoever, the sponsorship from creeperhost is purely server hosting
  20. J

    Pack updates and new packs

    You can now find updates to Direwolf20 pack, Mindcrack pack and MagicWorld in the launcher! You can also find the new TechWorld and Lite packs. There is currently an issue download servers on the launcher so you can download them here Updating users are advised to backup their saves, you...