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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. H

    Whitelist Server Mineguild Network

    - IGN:Hymerid - Age:17 - Have you played on other modded servers before?:Yes - Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I've been playing minecraft and modded minecraft for a long time, starting with the Technic launcher then later moving on to FTB when it came out.
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    Whitelist Server TeslaCraft [35 Slots][PVP Raiding][No Grief][Unique][TeamSpeak][Few Banned Items]

    1) IGN : Hymerid 2) I've been playing on a single player world for quite a long time now, and i've been looking to join a server with a good community, and I believe this is the one for me. 3) Yes, I agree to notify the staff about bugs/glitches/anything.
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    Whitelist Server Stonecraft: FTB Mindcrack-(8.3.2) - [Whitelisted]

    -IGN: Hymerid -Why you want to play on our server: I would like to join a community where everyone is close and can have fun and work with each other! -Anything else you want to add: I mainly like building in caves, or underground areas, and expanding from there. I've played with mods for about...
  4. H

    Whitelist Server RageQuitGaming Server Application - Fast Server - Great Community

    Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): Hymerid(Justin) Age: 15 Time Zone: Central (Lives in Texas) Amount of time playing Minecraft: 2 Years Amount of time playing FTB: A year or so What do you like to build/your style: Mostly builds underground Link to your videos (if any): None...
  5. H

    Whitelist Server Mindblow || Mindcrack 8.3.2 || Whitelist || No grief || No banned items || KeepInv on death!

    IGN: Hymerid Why do you want to join: Looking for a server with a good and close community, interacting with one another. Are you experienced with FTB: Yes, I've played with mods for over a year now. Would you join TeamSpeak: Yes, i'm in a gaming clan, and we use mumble and raidcall very often...
  6. H

    Whitelist Server PlasmaCraft FTB [Whitelisted] [24/7] [Direwolf20]

    Age: 15 IGN: Hymerid Country: USA Experience: Have played FTB and tekkit for over a year now Why i'm not a griefer: I am not a griefer because i dislike people ruining work that people have put effort and time in making.
  7. H

    Whitelist Server PathosMC | Mindcrack (v7) + EE3, Mystcraft, Ars Magica

    Age: 16 IGN: Hymerid Played Minecraft for a long time, followed by my addiction to tekkit. Played FTB in SSP since it was released, and am now looking for a fun, enjoyable server to play on! :)
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    NoClue|direwolf's20 modpack v5 1.4.6|Whitelist|Small community|16 +

    Username: Hymerid Age: 16 What kind of player you are: Im a all-round player, who likes to mine, and build technical things, who tries to make everything as effective as possible.
  9. H

    idk of a name yet|FTB Version1.1.7 beta|Whitelisted

    IGN: Hymerid age: 15, almost 16 Skype: Hymerid time playing ftb/tekkit: Played technic pack for over 8 months, and played FTB when it was released. anything about you: Looking for a server that has a community where we can work together and generally have fun! Thanks for reading my application!
  10. H

    Private FTB Server || FeedTheCrafts

    age: 15 Minecraft IGN Hymerid country of residence: United States Skype: Yes, i have a skype, and i will be willing to talk. Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people?: Yes i'm fine with getting pranked, and i will prank other people. Why do you want to join: I want to join this...
  11. H

    [1.4.6] FTB [Mindcrack Modpack] [8GB RAM][Small Youtube and Skype Server][15 Slots]

    In-Game Name: Hymerid Skype(Required): Hymerid Age: 15 How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: Ive been playing tekkit for over 8 months, and started the FTB pack when it was released
  12. H

    [1.4.6]Mindcrack Server[Youtube, 12+]

    IGN: Hymerid Oath not to grief: Never griefed before, and not gonna start. Age: 15 Mic: Yes, have mumble, teamspeak, and skype Why you want to be on this server: Want a server where it is not too big yet not too small, to the point where we can have a community that can work together or...