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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Whitelist Server NoobGamers|Infinity|1.10.1|Mature|Friendly|No Banned Items|TS3|Dedicated|24/7|PvP/PvE|UK

    Hi, i'd like to apply a friend and myself for this server. I'll list myself first, and my buddy after. Forum Name: Striiter Minecraft name: Striiter & Zhenophar Age: 21, 18 Country: We're both from Denmark. How long have you played the modded version of minecraft?: Since before Tekkit What do...
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    Whitelist Server Pokecraft Infinity|Infinity 1.1.0|Whitelist|New community

    Im not whitelisted unfortunally. Please update my IGN again please :)
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    Whitelist Server Pokecraft Infinity|Infinity 1.1.0|Whitelist|New community

    Whitelist Application: IGN (minecraft username): Striiter Skype (optional): striitermansen Age: 24 Where do you live? (Country/State): Denmark Current date and time: GTM+1 (20:13 atm) How long have you been playing mods?: 4+ years Why do you want to play on the server?: Just to test out if the...
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    Whitelist Server Midcraft Reborn|DW20 1.0.3 for MC 1.7.10|Whitelisted| Fresh Restart

    What is your IGN: Striiter Age: 24 Skype (mandatory): striitermansen Country/Time Zone: GTM+1 Denmark What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: I'd have to say my alpha world (long gone now lol) What is your experience with modded Minecraft: I started picking up an interest in...
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    Whitelist Server OkamiCraft|DW20 modpack| 20 tps Stable... >18, last reset(11/13/2014)

    In-Game Name: Striiter How old are you? 24 Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Denmark, Sjælland, Haslev What are you looking for in this server. New experience, came from phoenixcraft, had a discussion with one of the modders about adding cirten mods such as IC2 and MFR. He said "I...
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    Whitelist Server *NEW WORLD* ComplexCraft | DireWolf20 1.0.23| WhiteList | 24/7 | No Lag | Very Friendly | No Bans |

    IGN: Striiter Age: 23 MC experience: Got the game when it was in alpha, played tekkit a few years ago, then minecrack, ultimate, a custom ftb pack, and then dw20, and now i am looking for a new server. Im a quiet guy who likes to build and explore the modpack, which i did not get the opportunity...
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    Whitelist Server OPTIKS Nations|1.6.4 DW20 v1.0.19|Plugins|White-Listed|Mature Users|Community Ran|16GB RAM

    Hello i would like to join your server. Im 23 years old, and im active around 2-6 hours a day. I'd classify myself as an engineer & gatherer. I know quite alot about dw20 pack, i've played on a different server, im still learning ars magica and thaumcraft tho. Yes i do use teamspeak
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    Whitelist Server Gordontech|DW20(Always up to date)|Mature (18+)|Whitelist|NO LAG!|Only MC+Forge|Everything Unlocked

    What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Striiter Age: 23 Country: Denmark And a little information about yourself: Experienced FTB player, got tired of Ultimate, and want to get back into the game. Previous Vanilla server owner. Have you read server rules?: Yes