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    Whitelist Server Transferred | Infinity | 1.3.4 | Mature | Friendly | PVP/PVE |

    In Game Name: Alykova Skype Name: Spirelol Age: 21 Mature?: Yes Why Should you be accepted?: I am a long time to find the server and I hope I will stop you on the server, as you have a good iron server and I hope that friendly players.)
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    Hi) please examine my application for adding to the white list server NoobGamers)) Thank you.)

    Hi) please examine my application for adding to the white list server NoobGamers)) Thank you.)
  3. A

    Whitelist Server NoobGamers|Infinity|1.10.1|Mature|Friendly|No Banned Items|TS3|Dedicated|24/7|PvP/PvE|UK

    Forum Name: Alykova Minecraft name: Alykova Age: 21 Country: Russia How long have you played the modded version of minecraft? Just do not tell, but once released mod industrial craft. What do you like about modded minecraft?: I do not know how to explain, but they made me very long, very fun to...