Talk to and manage server from a php page (tool)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey all, quite some time ago I shared an earlier version of this here as well, but since then it has had some changes and is now rather stable.

Few major differences for those who might use my old one and wonder:

- script no longer uses extra libraries, (so more standalone)
- added compatibility for whitelist and op json files
- very simple design and easy to set up
- very simple coding, easy to change/add/customize

What does it do:

It creates an interface with the server through PHP, allowing members of your community to talk to people ingame through a browser and also allows admins to manage the server from afar, like your phone for example, and check up on it easily.
It can speed up whitelisting a lot and if neccesary can do server restarts from wherever you may find yourself, also adds some functionality to members to talk to people online without having to log in, etc.

What do you need for it:

-PHP functionality on your server (I would suggest getting wampserver if you don't have a server set up yet and am new to it, easiest to set up)
-access to your server for the script

How to install:

download here:

1. unzip in your apache (or whatever) root directory
2. install your server in the www/server directory
3. Change the variables in the www/inc/include.php file to suit your server (name and such)
4. execute the script.exe (see 'script decompiled.ahk' for what it does)
5. edit the serverstartscript.bat to suit your own batch file
6. start your server and have fun

Currently it works with FTB packs pretty nicely. If you use mods that change your log though, then you might need to change the parsing code in serverlog.php accordingly, this requires minor knowledge about preg_replace but isn't too hard to figure out.

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