Translation Development


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi folks. Since the last time I updated the language files for the language I know, the launcher doesn't seem to be loading these files from disk any more. I might be wrong, but it seems like the launcher now has all these locales hard-coded into the .exe/.jar instead.

If that's the case, this is a pain for creating translations. Having to re-compile the launcher or replace files in the jar to test locale changes is a bit cumbersome (especially for the translators that aren't familiar with modifying JARs).

Would it be possible to download and cache locale files from the file system as it worked previously? This would allow the locale files to be tested quickly without re-packaging the launcher jar. Thanks :)


legacy FTB Launcher developer
Launcher Developer
Global Moderator
Dec 17, 2013
Hi folks. Since the last time I updated the language files for the language I know, the launcher doesn't seem to be loading these files from disk any more. I might be wrong, but it seems like the launcher now has all these locales hard-coded into the .exe/.jar instead.
That's true. Updating those translations required extra work and it was never done. Also code for download translation was hackish => code was removed and translation moved into jar.

If that's the case, this is a pain for creating translations. Having to re-compile the launcher or replace files in the jar to test locale changes is a bit cumbersome (especially for the translators that aren't familiar with modifying JARs).
Building FTB Launcher requires installing GIT and JDK. Nothing else is not required. How are people making translations going to contribute their translations back to launcher team without git?

Would it be possible to download and cache locale files from the file system as it worked previously? This would allow the locale files to be tested quickly without re-packaging the launcher jar.
At least I won't do it. But I might consider adding code which searches translations from cache dir first and then from .jar's resource directory. I will update to reflect newest changes. If/when I add solution for local translation files i'll bump this thread
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the reply :)

Yeah, I realise translators will use Git to contribute the translations back to the project. It was just odd to me that changing the language files requires re-compiling the launcher, as opposed to just editing a language file on-disk. Then again I realise that in order to contribute back for the latest state of the repository you'd need to be running from the latest Git binary anyway, so it makes sense for translators to compile the launcher locally.

I managed to test and submit all the changes in the end.